
Two large tracts of reclaimed land on the outskirts of Glückstadt were privately owned and had the status of adlige Güter. They were not, however, assigned to GD Itzehoe, but retained their own special status as “Wildnisse” and remained with the core duchy after 1640. The Wildnis names changed with the ownership, but official documents did not always keep up with those name changes. Thus, the names listed below for each Wildnis show a date range during which the name appears in official documents.

Chronological list of names used for what is now Blomesche Wildnis
  • Ahlefeldsche Wildnis 1647 - 1735
  • Plessensche Wildnis 1732 - 1814
  • Blomesche Wildnis 1780 - 1864
Chronological list of names for what is now Englebrechtsche Wildnis
  • Herzhornsche Wildnis 1615 - 1864
  • Laurwigsche Wildnis 1704 - 1812
  • Bülowsche Wildnis 1783 - 1859
  • Engelbrechtsche Wildnis 1854 - 1864
Chronological list of countries to which Blomesche Wildnis belonged
Chronological list of countries to which Engelbrechtsche Wildnis belonged