Vogtei Lachem, Amt Schaumburg.... (prior to 1647)
Stift or Amt Egestorf............................... (prior to 1647)
Vogtei Lachem, Amt Aerzen............... (from 1647 on)
Vogtei Rumbeck, Amt Schaumburg (from 1647 on)
The Egestorf monastery was founded in 1298 and was secularized in 1560, whereupon it became its own Amt, albeit surrounded by Vogtei Lachem of Amt Schaumburg. When the County of Schaumburg was partitioned in 1647, most of Amt Schaumburg was assigned to the Hessian portion—Schaumburg-Kassel. Vogtei Lachem, however, did not survive the partition intact. Lachem itself and seven other villages were assigned to the Guelphic portion, where they were attached to Amt Aerzen in Brunswick-Calenberg. What was left in the Hessian portion, along with Amt Egestorf, formed Vogtei Rumbeck, still a part of Amt Schaumburg.
List of villages in Vogtei Lachem, Amt Aerzen (Brunswick-Calenberg)
- Dehmkerbrock 1647 - 1806
- Egge 1647 - 1806
- Halvestorf 1647 - 1806
- Haverbeck 1647 - 1806
- Hemeringen 1647 - 1806
- Herkendorf 1647 - 1806
- Lachem 1647 - 1806
- Posteholz 1647 - 1806
List of villages in Vogtei Rumbeck, Amt Schaumburg (Schaumburg-Kassel)
- Friedrichsburg 1647 - 1806
- Friedrichshagen 1647 - 1806
- Fuhlen 1647 - 1806
- Goldbeck [Rinteln] 1647 - 1806
- Heßlingen 1647 - 1806
- Rumbeck 1647 - 1806
With the exception of Friedrichsburg, which was founded in 1748 on land previously governed by Amt Egestorf, all of the above villages were part of Vogtei Lachem in Amt Schaumburg between 1485 and 1647.
Chronological list of countries to which the villages in Vogtei Lachem, Amt Aerzen belonged
- County of Schaumburg 1485 - 1647
- Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg/Principality of Calenberg 1647 - 1692
- Electorate of Hannover 1692 - 1714
- Electorate of Hannover (in personal union with the United Kingdom) 1714 - 1806
Chronological list of countries to which the villages in Vogtei Rumbeck, Amt Schaumburg belonged
- County of Schaumburg 1485 - 1647
- County of Schaumburg (in personal union with Hesse-Kassel) 1647 - 1806