Provinzen of Brandenburg

When constructing place names for genealogical records, Brandenburg presents a particular challenge because of the number of levels of government it used. This project can accommodate two levels of “large” subdivisions and two levels of “small” subdivisions. Technically, Brandenburg under the Hohenzollerns had three levels of large subdivisions, one of which I cannot accommodate. For the higher level of large subdivisions, I recognize five Provinzen: Altmark, Mittelmark, Prignitz, Uckermark, and Neumark. Each is divided into Kreise—the lower level of large subdivisions. Technically, the first four Provinzen were grouped together in an even larger subdivision known as Kurmark, which was administratively parallel with Neumark. However, I found it more useful to recognize the four Provinzen as the higher level of large subdivision than to give Kurmark that recognition. Thus Kurmark does not appear as a subdivision of Brandenburg on this website.


For the moment, this page exists solely as a placeholder for certain small exclaves of Altmark (Derenburg and Hasserode) that were administered by the Principality of Halberstadt. More detail will be added as the regions of Brandenburg are processed.