Landschaft Norderdithmarschen

After the Danes overthrew the Peasant Republic of Dithmarschen in 1559, the territory was divided along a north-south axis among the King, the Duke of Gottorp, and the Duke of Hadersleben. (The partition took nearly 10 years to finalize, but I apply it retroactively to 1559.) Norderdithmarschen (which was not a formal name at the time—merely a description of its location on the north-south axis) was awarded to the Duke of Gottorp.

After the Duke of Hadersleben’s death, his territory (Mitteldithmarschen) was repartitioned in 1581 between the King and the Duke of Gottorp by maintaining the same north-south concept used in the original partition. At that point, Norderdithmarchen was formally organized as a Landschaft (functionally equivalent to an Amt). The Landschaft expanded slightly over the years as additional land was reclaimed.


List of villages originally in Norderdithmarschen
  • Bargen 1559 - 1864
  • Barkenholm 1559 - 1864
  • Bergewöhrden 1559 - 1864
  • Blankenmoor 1559 - 1864
  • Büsum 1559 - 1864
  • Büsumer Deichhausen 1559 - 1864
  • Cleve [Eider] 1559 - 1864
  • Damm 1559 - 1864
  • Darenwurth [Lehe] 1559 - 1864
  • Dellstedt 1559 - 1864
  • Delve 1559 - 1864
  • Dörping 1559 - 1864
  • Flehde 1559 - 1864
  • Flehderwurth 1559 - 1864
  • Gaushorn 1559 - 1864
  • Glüsing [Eider] 1559 - 1864
  • Groven 1559 - 1864
  • Hemme 1559 - 1864
  • Hemmerwurth 1559 - 1864
  • Hennstedt [Eider] 1559 - 1864
  • Heuwisch 1559 - 1864
  • Högen 1559 - 1864
  • Hollingstedt 1559 - 1864
  • Horst [Hennstedt] 1559 - 1864
  • Hövede 1559 - 1864
  • Krempel 1559 - 1864
  • Lehe 1559 - 1864
  • Lendern 1559 - 1864
  • Linden 1559 - 1864
  • Lüdersbüttel 1559 - 1864
  • Lunden 1559 - 1864
  • Nesserdeich 1559 - 1864
  • Neuenkirchen [Heide] 1559 - 1864
  • Neufeld [Sankt Annen] 1559 - 1864
  • Norderheistedt 1559 - 1864
  • Österfeld 1559 - 1864
  • Pahlen 1559 - 1864
  • Preil 1559 - 1864
  • Rederstall 1559 - 1864
  • Rehm 1559 - 1864
  • Sankt Annen 1559 - 1864
  • Schalkholz 1559 - 1864
  • Schelrade 1559 - 1864
  • Schlichting 1559 - 1864
  • Schwienhusen 1559 - 1864
  • Süderheistedt 1559 - 1864
  • Tellingstedt 1559 - 1864
  • Tiebensee 1559 - 1864
  • Tielenburg 1559 - 1623
  • Waerholm 1559 - 1696
  • Wallen 1559 - 1864
  • Warverort 1559 - 1864
  • Wellerhoop 1559 - 1864
  • Welmbüttel 1559 - 1864
  • Werven 1559 - 1864
  • Westerborstel 1559 - 1864
  • Wollersum 1559 - 1864
  • Wrohm 1559 - 1864
  • Zennhusen 1559 - 1864
List of villages added to Norderdithmarschen in 1581
  • Bennewohld 1581 - 1864
  • Borgholt 1581 - 1864
  • Edemannswisch 1581 - 1864
  • Hassenbüttel 1581 - 1864
  • Heide (Holstein) 1581 - 1864
  • Jarrenwisch 1581 - 1864
  • Norddeich 1581 - 1864
  • Ostrohe 1581 - 1864
  • Poppenwurth 1581 - 1864
  • Reinsbüttel 1581 - 1864
  • Rüsdorf 1581 - 1864
  • Schlüp 1581 - 1864
  • Stelle 1581 - 1864
  • Strübbel 1581 - 1864
  • Süderdeich 1581 - 1864
  • Süderholm 1581 - 1864
  • Weddinghausen 1581 - 1864
  • Weddingstedt 1581 - 1864
  • Wehren [Oesterwurth] 1581 - 1864
  • Wellinghusen 1581 - 1864
  • Wennemannswisch 1581 - 1864
  • Wesselburen 1581 - 1864
  • Wesselburener Deichhausen 1581 - 1864
  • Wesseln 1581 - 1864
  • Wittenwurth 1581 - 1864
List of villages in Norderdithmarschen on land reclaimed after 1581
  • Eiderdeich 1623 - 1864
  • Hellschen 1651 - 1864
  • Heringsand 1651 - 1864
  • Hillgroven 1601 - 1864
  • Oesterdeichstrich 1585 - 1864
  • Schüttingdeich 1623 - 1864
  • Tielenhemme 1623 - 1864
  • Underschaar 1651 - 1864
  • Wesselburenerkoog 1862 - 1864
  • Westerdeichstrich 1862 - 1864
Chronological list of countries to which the villages originally in Norderdithmarschen (and those on reclaimed land) belonged
Chronological list of countries to which the villages added to Norderdithmarschen in 1581 belonged