Adlige Güter in Holstein owned by citizens of Lübeck
Certain adlige Güter in Holstein were owned by citizens of Lübeck and thus were excluded from the Güterdistrikte that were formed in 1713. I have placed them in three Gerichte (or Samtgerichte) in the country of Holstein-Lübeck:
- Gericht Weissenrode, consisting of villages within a single Fideikommißgut, sovereignty over which was disputed between Holstein and the city of Lübeck prior to 1803. Danish protection was explicit by 1670 and there is little evidence to suggest that the city ever exercised a similar level of influence, so I recognize Holstein sovereignty until the formal transfer to the city in 1803.
- Samtgericht Stockelsdorf, consisting of five Güter north of the city. Two of them (Groß Steinrade and Mori) are currently part of Lübeck; the other three (Stocksdorf, Eckhorst, and Dunkelsdorf) are currently part of Kreis Ostholstein.
- Gut Trenthorst, west of the city and currently part of Kreis Stormarn.
List of villages in Samtgericht Stockelsdorf
- Gut Dunkelsdorf 1544 - 1864
- Gut Eckhorst 1544 - 1806
- Gut Groß Steinrade 1544 - 1806
- Gut Mori 1544 - 1806
- Gut Stockelsdorf 1544 - 1806
List of villages in Gericht Weissenrode
- Moisling 1544 - 1806
- Moorgarten 1544 - 1806
- Niendorf [Lübeck] 1544 - 1806
- Reeke 1544 - 1806
List of villages in Gut Trenthorst
- Ahrensfelde [Westerau] 1544 - 1864
- Trenthorst [Westerau] 1544 - 1864
- Wulmenau 1544 - 1864
Chronological list of countries to which the villages in Gericht Weissenrode belonged
- Duchy of Holstein (adm. Lübeck subjects) 1544 - 1803
- Imperial City of Lübeck 1803 - 1806