Dithmarscher Koogsdistrikte

Much of the reclaimed land in Dithmarschen was incorporated into the existing subdivisions. In some cases, however, reclaimed land (Kööge) was granted a status similar to that of an adlige Gut.


  • The first three such cases were located in the north of Dithmarschen. Each constituted a separate Koogsdistrikt, but I group them together into a collective (Samt) Distrikt with a geographically descriptive name.
  • The last three cases were founded concurrently with one another in the south of Dithmarschen. They were administered together as a united (Vereinigte) Distrikt. The formal name of the Distrikt included the names of all three members, but I use a geographically descriptive name for brevity and to maintain the parallel with the Samtdistrikt.


List of villages in Samtkoogsdistrikte Norderdithmarschen
  • Carolinenkoog 1800 - 1864
  • Friedrichsgabekoog 1714 - 1864
  • Hedwigenkoog 1696 - 1864
List of villages in Vereinigtekoogsdistrikt Süderdithmarschen