Landamt villages in the Holstentor sector of Lübeck

I have placed all villages of the Landamt that were in the Holstentor sector into Quasi-Amt Holstentor. That includes, after 1802, the exclave of Malkendorf, which had previously been under Holstein sovereignty. All of the adjacent villages (i.e., excluding Malkendorf) are now part of the St. Lorenz Nord Stadtteil. It is unclear whether the Stadtteile of St. Lorenz Süd and Buntekuh would be included here or in the Stadtamt because neither contained any villages of consequence prior to 1806.

List of villages in Quasi-Amt Holstentor
  • Krempelsdorf 1531 - 1806
  • Malkendorf 1802 - 1806
  • Schönböcken 1531 - 1806
  • Vorwerk [Lübeck] 1531 - 1806

All villages except Malkendorf were part of the Imperial City of Lübeck throughout the period covered by this project.


Chronological list of countries to which Malkendorf belonged