Fringe Lauenburg Güter
“Fringe” Lauenburg is defined as territory that was restored to the Guelphs after the Napoleonic Wars instead of remaining with the rest of Lauenburg, which became Danish.
Quasi-Güterdistrikt Elbmarsch was south of the Elbe and adjacent to Amt Lauenburg. Quasi-Güterdistrikt Neuhaus was further upstream, north of the Elbe and adjacent to Amt Neuhaus.
List of villages in Gut Lüdersburg
- Bockelkathen 1554 - 1803
- Jürgenstorf 1554 - 1803
- Lüdersburg 1554 - 1803
List of single-village Güter in quasi-Distrikt Elbmarsch
- Gut Obermarschacht 1554 - 1803
List of single-village Güter in quasi-Distrikt Neuhaus
- Gut Preten 1554 - 1803
- Gut Wehningen 1554 - 1803
Chronological list of countries to which the above Güter belonged
- Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg 1554 - 1689
- Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg/Principality of Celle 1689 - 1705
- Electorate of Hannover 1705 - 1803