Quasi-Güterdistrikte Lensahn and Sebent

Amt Oldenburg


In 1632, the adlige Güter of Lensahn, Mönchneversdorf, and Stendorf were acquired by the Bishop of Lübeck and, in 1654, converted to Fideikommißgüter. They nevertheless remained under Holstein sovereignty and thus were part of the country of Holstein-Eutin. (Eutin was the seat of the Bishopric—I reserve the name Holstein-Lübeck for villages owned by citizens or institutions of the city of Lübeck). The three Güter eventually became known as the ältere Fideikommißgüter. That subdivision name cannot, however, be accurately applied prior to 1654, so during that time period I place the Güter in a quasi-Distrikt, which I name after Lensahn—the village where certain administrative responsibilities for Fideikommißgüter were later carried out (although most were handled in Eutin). I retain the simplified collective name of Lensahn for the ältere Fideikommißgüter. The following lists reflect the entire time span during which I apply the simplified subdivision name of Lensahn.


Ältere Fideikommißgüter

List of villages in Gut Mönchneversdorf
  • Bungsberghof 1544 - 1864
  • Groß Schlamin 1544 - 1864
  • Halendorf 1544 - 1864
  • Langenhagen 1544 - 1864
  • Mönchneversdorf 1544 - 1864
  • Neu-Petersdorf 1544 - 1864
  • Schönwalde 1544 - 1864
List of villages in Gut Stendorf
  • Bergfeld 1544 - 1864
  • Freudenholm [Kasseedorf] 1544 - 1864
  • Griebel 1544 - 1864
  • Kasseedorf 1544 - 1864
  • Sagau 1544 - 1864
  • Stendorf [Kasseedorf] 1544 - 1864
  • Vinzier [Kasseedorf] 1544 - 1864
List of villages in Gut Lensahn
  • Beschendorf 1544 - 1864
  • Lensahn 1544 - 1864
  • Lensahnerhof 1544 - 1864
  • Nienrade 1544 - 1864
Chronological list of countries to which the villages in the Ältere Fideikommißgüter belonged

In 1545, the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp acquired Gut Kuhof and treated it as a separate Amt. Between roughly 1617 and 1707, he acquired several more Güter and the free-standing village of Sütel which were added to the Amt. Over time, the name of the Amt morphed (nonlinearly) from Kuhof to Oldenburg and I use the latter name during the entire period of Gottorp control, consistent with 19th century sources.


Prior to Gottorp control, some of these villages belonged to other jurisdictions, but others were adlige Güter that were not placed into Distrikte in 1717. For them (and Sütel), I have created a quasi-Distrikt named after Sebent, the largest of the last batch of Güter to be acquired by Gottorp. Like other adlige Güter at the time, the quasi-Distrikt is placed in the country of Holstein, without specifying Segeberg or Gottorp because they were not part of the partition.


In 1769, Amt Oldenburg was acquired by the Bishop of Lübeck (although sovereignty remained with Holstein) and the Güter were converted to what became known as the jüngere Fideikommißgüter. The administration thereof was not distinct from that of the ältere Fideikommißgüter, so I include them under the same simplified collective name of Lensahn. The jüngere Fideikommißgüter remained part of the country of Holstein-Eutin until the Bishopric was secularized in 1803 and the simplified country name became Holstein-Oldenburg (with Oldenburg referring not to the former Amt or the nearby city but to the Duchy that became sovereign over the former Bishopric’s territory).


Jüngere Fideikommißgüter originating in Quasi-Güterdistrikt Sebent

List of villages in Gut Koselau
  • Grünbek 1544 - 1617
  • Kabelhorst 1544 - 1617
  • Koselau 1544 - 1617
  • Quaal [Riepsdorf] 1544 - 1617
  • Riepsdorf 1544 - 1617
  • Schweinkuhl 1544 - 1617
List of single-village Güter and free-standing villages in Quasi-Distrikt Sebent
  • Gut Kremsdorf 1544 - 1617
  • Sütel 1544 - 1623
List of villages in Gut Sebent
  • Damlos 1544 - 1623
  • Sebent 1544 - 1623

All of the above villages belonged to Amt Oldenburg from the time they left Quasi-Güterdistrikt Sebent until 1769. From then until 1864, they belonged to the jüngere Fideikommißgüter.

Chronological list of countries to which the villages in Quasi-GD Sebent belonged


Jüngere Fideikommißgüter not originating in Quasi-Güterdistrikt Sebent


The lists below show the time span that villages were part of Amt Oldenburg. Gut Kuhof was part of Amt Oldenburg (in Holstein-Gottorp) when the data base begins. Prior to joining Amt Oldenburg, the other Güter were distributed among formal subdivisions as follows:


  • Villages in Gut Lübbersdorf were part of Amt Eutin (in Lübeck-Eutin),
  • Villages in Gut Bollbrügge were Stadtstiftsdörfer (in Holstein-Lübeck), and
  • Villages in Gut Sievershagen were part of Amt Cismar (in Holstein-Gottorp).


After 1769, all the villages belonged to the jüngere Fideikommißgüter (in Holstein-Eutin).

List of villages in Gut Kuhof
  • Dannau [Oldenburg/H] 1544 - 1769
  • Kuhof 1544 - 1769
  • Wandelwitz 1544 - 1769
List of villages in Gut Lübbersdorf
  • Grüner Hirsch 1623 - 1769
  • Lübbersdorf 1623 - 1769
  • Sipsdorf 1623 - 1769
List of villages in Gut Bollbrügge
  • Bollbrügge 1623 - 1769
  • Gremersdorf 1623 - 1769
List of villages in Gut Sievershagen
  • Bökenberg 1707 - 1769
  • Brenkenhagen 1707 - 1769
  • Schwienhagen 1707 - 1769
  • Sievershagen 1707 - 1769