Amt Tremsbüttel

Gut Tangstedt

A castle was built in Tremsbüttel in the 13th century and a Vogtei grew up around it, which eventually became an Amt. In 1408, it was sold to the Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, but in 1575, administrative responsibilities were transferred to Holstein-Gottorp. (Amt Steinhorst was transferred at the same time and some sources say that the two were actually a single Amt at the time. Unlike Tremsbüttel, Steinhorst was eventually returned to Lauenburg. See the Amt Steinhorst page for more discussion.) I recognize Gottorp sovereignty as of 1658—the year Gottorp became fully independent of Denmark.


Kanzleigut Tangstedt split off from the Amt in 1692, but remained part of Holstein-Gottorp. The Amt absorbed Gut Lasbek in 1777 and received a portion of Hoisbüttel from Hamburg in 1803 (in exchange for Alsterdorf, which will be processed with the Hamburg region).

List of villages in Amt Tremsbüttel
  • Alt Rahlstedt 1544 - 1864
  • Bargteheide 1544 - 1864
  • Delingsdorf 1544 - 1864
  • Duvenstedt 1544 - 1692
  • Fischbek 1570 - 1864
  • Glashütte 1544 - 1692
  • Gut Lasbek 1777 - 1864
  • Hammoor 1544 - 1864
  • Harksheide 1544 - 1692
  • Hoisbüttel [imperial%] 1803 - 1864
  • Itzstedt 1544 - 1864
  • Klein Hansdorf 1544 - 1864
  • Lasbek-Dorf 1777 - 1864
  • Lemsahl 1544 - 1692
  • Mellingstedt 1544 - 1692
  • Sattenfelde 1544 - 1864
  • Tangstedt [Stormarn] 1544 - 1692
  • Tönningstedt 1544 - 1864
  • Tremsbüttel 1544 - 1864
  • Vorburg 1544 - 1864
  • Wilstedt [Tangstedt] 1544 - 1692
List of villages in Gut Tangstedt
  • Duvenstedt 1692 - 1864
  • Glashütte 1692 - 1864
  • Harksheide 1692 - 1864
  • Lemsahl 1692 - 1864
  • Mellingstedt 1692 - 1864
  • Tangstedt [Stormarn] 1692 - 1864
  • Wilstedt [Tangstedt] 1692 - 1864
Chronological list of countries to which Amt Tremsbüttel belonged