Amt Nienburg
Samtgericht Biendorf (prior to 1812)
Amt Nienburg was one of the original Ämter assigned to Anhalt-Köthen when the Principality of Anhalt was divided in 1606. In contrast, Samtgericht Biendorf consisted of three villages that were not owned by any of the princes of Anhalt, but that were recognized as part of Anhalt-Köthen. Administration was the responsibility of the owners. Those villages were added to Amt Nienburg in 1812.
List of villages in Amt Nienburg
- Biendorf 1812 - 1863
- Borgesdorf 1606 - 1863
- Crüchern 1812 - 1863
- Gerbitz 1606 - 1863
- Grimschleben 1606 - 1863
- Kleinpaschleben 1606 - 1863
- Latdorf 1606 - 1863
- Mölz 1606 - 1863
- Nienburg 1606 - 1863
- Plömnitz 1606 - 1863
- Pobzig 1606 - 1863
- Preußlitz 1606 - 1863
- Weddegast 1606 - 1863
- Wedlitz 1606 - 1863
- Wispitz 1606 - 1863
- Wohlsdorf [Bernburg] 1812 - 1863
List of villages in Samtgericht Biendorf
- Biendorf 1606 - 1812
- Crüchern 1606 - 1812
- Wohlsdorf [Bernburg] 1606 - 1812
Chronological list of countries to which Amt Nienburg and the villages in Samtgericht Biendorf belonged
- Principality of Anhalt-Köthen 1606 - 1806
- Duchy of Anhalt-Köthen 1806 - 1853
- Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau 1853 - 1863